March 30, 2009

A Day of Thrifting with Spicy Salty Sweet

My new friend.

Leah of SpicySaltySweet and I took a much needed mental health day and spent the greater part of today thrifting in Pasadena.  I showed her some of my favorite spots for finding vintage steals and we both came away with some goodies.  Leah nabbed a great vintage cookbook, hankie and a glass and silver tea server and I came away with a cookbook of my own, a fabulous oil portrait and a few other odds and ends for the shop.

We enjoyed lunch at Saladang on Fair Oaks and managed to get a lot of wedding talk in too.

Overall, a great day.

The "Shrimp in Golden Thread" from Saladang.

March 19, 2009

Recent Finds

Here are my most recent treasures.

I picked up a bag of miscellaneous silverware and a very dusty candelabra on the way home from work yesterday.  To my delight, the bag o' utensils contained several pieces from notable Southern California hotels and the porcelain candelabra is gorgeous underneath all of that dust.

Stay tuned for their 'after' shots.

March 17, 2009


Welcome to Sparker!

Here you'll find my musings on cooking, inspiring decor and my vintage finds.

You can also follow my thrifting by checking out my store at

Thanks for stopping by!