April 29, 2009

In the Neighborhood

While poking around Kate Spade's ever inspirational Behind the Curtain, I was intrigued by a video entitled "2009 Spring Shoot, Downtown LA."  The opening scene was instantly familiar - the campaign had been shot in my neighborhood!  Now, living in downtown LA, you see a lot of strange things.  So a couple of months ago when I noticed that several buildings had been doused in candy colors, I didn't bat an eyelash.  Now that the mystery is figured out, I should probably head over there with a camera...

Be sure to check out the Behind the Curtain video, I promise it won't disappoint.  And here's another video featuring scenes from my 'hood:

More eye-candy from Kate Spade's spring '09 ad campaign via here.

If only I looked this chic while walking the dogs!


Courtney said...

Love it! And I'd be so giddy if I turned the corner and my neighborhood had been doused in candy colored paint. Such fun!

Suzy Parker LaCroix said...

We have lots of shoots in our downtown LA neighborhood, but this was one that I was actually excited about!

Plus I love that they left the paint there - it's so cheery to walk by a building with graphic green and white stripes!